Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Art Appreciation

Art AppreciationWe visit exhibitions galleries, stately homes with collections, craft shows, sculpture gardens, locally and further afield. We want to interpret Art as widely as possible, and see and learn about new works as well as those we already admire and love.

Contact the Group Leader

Joint Contact: Laone Roscorla

Telephone: 07419905358

Main Contact: Barbara Milner

Telephone: 01208 872360

Update of 17 July 2023

Our next planning meeting has been rescheduled to 18 September 2023 at 10.30am at the Royal Oak.  This is to fit in with the U3A Open Meeting and a trip to London for many of our members.  Meanwhile we will investigate the Devon Open studio venues when the brochure becomes available in August to see whether anything could be arranged earlier in September.  We will let you know.

Update of 14 February 2023

 Our planning meeting was busy and we have many trips to look forward to, to see the diary of forthcoming events look under Diary for February-September 2023

Update of 12 January 2023

The next planning meeting of the Art Appreciation Group to decide this year’s visits will be on 13th February at 10.30 at the Royal Oak.  Please bring ideas!

Diary dates up to February 2023

Wednesday 19th October to Penzance

To Penlee House to view their exhibition of Fred Yates work, and as time allows other galleries in the town. Travel by train so meet on the platform for the 10.06 service.

Friday 11th November to Falmouth

To Falmouth gallery for their exhibition 'light in the West' and other galleries of interest. Meet on the platform for the 10.04 train.

Krowji at Christmas

To Redruth on the 10.06 train service. Date to be arranged once published but will probably be the first Friday in December.

Lunch at the Royal Oak,  Our social event will be on Monday 9th of January at 12 noon.

Our next planning meeting will be Monday 13th February at The Royal Oak at 10.30am.


Diary Dates for September 2021-January 2022

We have now had our first planning meeting for 2021, which was accompanied by an enjoyable lunch at the Earl of Chatham. Whilst covid is still a challenge we agreed to travel by train with masks in place on the journey and at the venues.


The Box Plymouth on Tuesday 14th September by train 9.59 service from Lostwithiel. 

To see what this rebuilt and now reopened museum has to offer, free with no prebooking unless you wish to see the mayflower exhibition.


Falmouth Art Gallery on Tuesday 19th October by train 10.06 service from Lostwithiel

For 'Unholy Trinity' An exhibition of work by Lucien Freud, Adrian Ryan and John Minton. 


Truro museum  on Tuesday 16th November by train 10.06 service from Lostwithiel

For an exhibition by local artist Tony Foster entitled Fragile Planet.


Lastly a Christmas dinner has been provisionally agreed for Monday 17th January at the Chatham




Diary Dates for October 2019-March 2020.

Tuesday October 29th 2019

A day trip to London to the Royal Academy to see the Antony Gormley exhibition followed by the Mall Galleries for 'The natural eye' if time allows. anyone who would like to come but use the time differently are very welcome, there are always so many exhibitions to see in London.

Wednesday November 13th 2019

To St Ives Tate for the exhibition of Otobong Nkanga's work. This looks surreal to me but speaks of 'the politics of the land and its relationship to the body.....' and then on after lunch to whatever else we find of interest, St Ives has so much to offer.

Friday November 29th 2019

To Penlee House in Penzance  for 'Penzance Selects' an exhibition curated by local people who have been allowed into the stores to explore and find works that hold meaning for them.

Friday January 24th 2020

Our group get together for lunch, details yet to be arranged.


Wednesday February 19th 2020

To the Kurt Jackson Foundation Gallery at St Just for his latest exhibition, Frenchmans Creek, hopefully lunch in our favorite cafe, then perhaps something of interest on our way home if we can.

Our next planning meeting will be Monday March 9th 2020 at 2.30pm at The Royal Oak