Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Theatre GroupWe are a very lively, active and friendly Group meeting every 3rd Thursday morning of the month when members choose and help organize trips.   We go to live and live-streamed theatre, music and dance in and around Cornwall and beyond.

We use public transport where possible.   When cars are required transport depends on availability of drivers.


Contact the Group Leader

Group contact: Carol Williams

Telephone: 01208 871077

Reviews for August

A Winter’s Tale (Shakespear)

Quite a few of the theatre group went to Sterts on 6th August to see Shakespeare 's A Winter’s tale.

It was held outside as theatre not quite ready for occupation (now completed). The performance was very good, only 7 performers, so a lot of costume change and learning of lines.  Typical Shakespeare, intrigue and suspense. And, it didn't rain


Glorious      The Drum Theatre Plymouth 2nd August

Oh dear, what a disappointment. The two members who went felt it was a waste of time and left halfway through. On paper it looked to be good, occasionally it’s not. However, you don’t know unless you go.

French Lieutenant`s Woman    The Minack   8th August

We had a damp and misty start for our trip in the Lama minibus heading for the Minack to see French Lieutenant`s Woman.  However, following a picnic in the bus and celebrating a Birthday with one of our group, we saw a glimpse of sun and the mist began to lift for the Sell Out performance.  French Lieutenant`s Woman is a complex play and the story of forbidden love, temptation and personal freedom.  The book was written by John Fowler and originally set in Lyme Regis, so the real waves of Porthcurno accompanied the performance.  Unfortunately, sometimes, the waves made hearing the dialogue very difficult, but the costumes were engrossing and a fantastic cast of actors.

Our driver for our trip was amazing and very well informed about timing and parking at the Minack.  A Magical place to visit


Forthcoming performances

6 Sept          Evita  St Austell Arts

14 Sept        Keltique Choir       St Winnow

2 Oct 19.30  Under-mined (impact of mine closure) One-man show          Lane Theatre

18 October   Countrymen – Jam First   Sterts

19 Oct          Johnny Cowling     LCC

24 Oct          Pepper and honey (What does ‘home’ mean to families split by displacement?)  Liskeard Centre

1 Nov 19.30 David Mynne - Dracula   Golant Hall

Date of next meeting Thursday 19 September, 11.00   

Reviews for June/July

Love Riot Miracle Theatre at Cardinham.

As expected this production of Love Riot by Miracle theatre again showcased the versatility of the  performers and the adaptive stage props.

The story centres around an ambitious or desperate father wishing to marry of his wild daughter to a wealthy young bachelor. Despite receiving tutoring on how to behave as a lady, the daughter rallies against this false nature. Eventually after the meeting of the two protagonists at a masked ball and numerous near meetings the two do find themselves together and able to behave according to their own characters and love surely blossoms.

An enjoyable evening outdoors performance at Cardinham Woods.


Kneebone Cadillac

Nine theatre group members attended the Wildworks production of The Kneebone Cadillac on slightly chilly and slightly wet Thursday night at the United Downs Race Track near St Day.  The plot was as follows:

The Kneebone Cadillac features the hard-up Kneebone family siblings Slick, Dwight and Maddy, who have a mighty fall-out when their scrapyard-owning dad Jed shocks everyone by leaving his cherished 1958 Cadillac Eldorado to his only daughter.

Rather than cash in the prized but broken-down auto – which may or may not have once belonged to Elvis Presley – feisty Maddy is determined to get it back on the road and take on all-comers in the United Downs Boneshaker stock car race.

Ancient family feuds do not die quickly and soon Maddy’s dream of success in a male-dominated world sets the community on a collision course for chaos. (Excerpt from the online program)

 All members of the group felt it was an excellent story, setting, acting (there was quite a bit of fruity and industrial language and a special shout out for Katy Own who played Enny, Phylis Vanloo and Clint Eastwood) and atmosphere.  Obviously, there were many mentions of the United Downs racetrack including saving the racetrack from a proposed geothermal rum distillery which was turned down in 2022.

The Tempest:            

Performed by the Festival Players at Wheal Martyn St Austell July 2014

The Festival Players Theatre Company is well established professional company delivering the best in open-air Shakespeare and in true Shakespearian style features male only casts. The patron on the company is none other the Dame Judi Dench.

The Tempest is Shakespeare’s last, and great; play is a triumphant compilation of intrigue, magic, and humour. Prospero, an exiled Duke with supernatural powers, creates a great storm which sees his enemies shipwrecked on his island. Magic abounds, plots are exposed, and a colourful array of characters gain their deserts. Fascinating entertainment.

As a professional company the performance was, as you would hope, excellent and set around the old drying beds & trees at Wheal Martyn. Fortunately, the weather was dry and reasonably warm. As previously mentioned, the company was all male and all but one actor (playing Prospero) played at least two characters, the change over from one character to another was very well done and very quick.


There are two more performances locally the first at Penlee Open Air Park Theatre Penzance (7th August) and the second is at Sterts theatre Liskeard on the 15th of August.   

Forthcoming performances

1 Aug                              Garkel St Band      Wheal Martyn

2 Aug                               Glorious      Drum

6 Aug                               Winter’s Tale         Sterts

14 Aug 2025 14.30          Hamilton      TRP

22 Aug matinee                An Officer & a Gentleman         H4C

23 Aug                            Sutherings   Piggery, Hole

14 Aug 2025 14.30          Hamilton      TRP

Date of next meeting Thursday 15 August, 11.00         

Reviews for May

This month the group have been spoil for fantastic show to see.  First off was The Life of Pi, (HFC) feedback after the show included the words Brilliant, Magical, Mesmerising and fantastic.

Second was The Artist (TRP), all who went agreed that it was brilliant show, and they would recommend to others who didn’t go this time to go when it comes round again, those who did go said they would go again when the show returns.

Message in a bottle (Merlin Cinema Bodmin) a very thought-provoking film of a live dance performance.  “Sting and the Police soundtracked a blistering hip hop tale of refugees”

Future shows and events being attended

3rd July  Love Riot Miracle Theatre at Cardinham.  It is also being performed at Tregrehan St Austell on the 7th & 8th August.

18th July Present Laughter (Noel Coward) NT Live @ Bodmin. Staring Andrew Scott

3rd August Glorious Drum Theatre (TRP) The true story of Florence Foster Jenkins, the worst singer in the world.

6th August A Winter’s Tale (Shakespear) Sterts Theatre

8th Nov The Oysterband St Petrocs Bodmin.

28th Nov Warhorse TRP

17th  Jan 2025 Fri. matinee Mormons TRP

14th Aug 202514.30 Hamilton  TRP


Date of next meeting Thursday 18 July, 11.00 at the Royal Oak Lostwithiel



Then there were none.  An Agatha Christie Adaption at the Hall for Cornwall.  Eight members attend this performance and there was a mixed reaction from those who went.  All agreed that the performance was well done; however, having seen various film and TV adaptations of the book some of us felt that as we knew the twist and “who dunnit”, it rather (understandably) took away some of the suspense of the story.


Atlantic Roots, a husband and wife folk duo performed at the Piggery St Neot  on the 26th, all who went said the it was excellent performance and set in a lovely location (despite being wet) where they were offered drinks - alcohol or soft, tea or coffee and cake -  for a voluntary donation.

Sarah McQuaid at the old Library Bodmin. It is not known how many of the Theatre group attended but 4 of the group felt the performance was “awful “and left at the interval.

Performance reviews are now taking place during the monthly meetings which is great for feedback.

Forthcoming events

The Artist – stage version TRP

Message in a bottle(dance)        Merlin cinema.

Life of Pi   HFC

Richard Trethewey Piggery, Hole

French Lieutenant's Woman       Minack.  Sold out

Sutherings   Piggery, Hole


February/ March Highlights

Hells Bells by the miracle theatre at Lostwithiel Community Centre.  A very well attended performance at the LCC, a full house and people turning up on spec and having to be turned away.  The U3A Theatre group had 18 members attending, an excellent turnout on a very wet Saturday night.

Back to the show. Hells Bells was set in the 1920’s and concerned a young headstrong female detective and her father who were investigating what she thought was a suspicious drowning of a lighthouse keeper. The cast were three actors who all played various characters in the story.  As the company are touring Cornwall with the production, I will not divulge any more of the plot in case any reading this decides to see the play at another venue. However, what I will say is that the play and the acting was brilliant, the story was funny and some of the characterisations hilarious, especially the captain of the ferry boat who looked like a deranged version of Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.  At the end of the performance the cast came out to take 3 curtain calls to well-earned applause. 

Jam Jazz.

It was another most enjoyable evening of jazz in the refurbished Old Library at Bodmin.  Amazing just how these talented musicians  playing various instruments can get together, some of whom have never met before, and produce such incredible music. An evening with Simon Latarche never disappoints!


Several of us went to see a streamed performance of  “VANYA” recently at the Merlin cinema in Bodmin.  It was a one man “tour de force” by the actor Andrew Scott who, dressed in casual modern clothes managed to portray the whole “Uncle Vanya” play portraying all the main characters just using voice changes and mannerisms. It was a very ingenious set and the whole production was brilliant and much enjoyed by the audience.

Canterbury Tales at Mount premises, Warleggan

In a rather chilly room with no refreshments provided (cognoscenti brought their own!), a large audience  was reduced to continuous, helpless laughter. David Mynne's astonishing rendering of a selection of Chaucer's tales was engaging, clever, uproariously funny - and also true to the original text.  He even managed to look as though he had a mediaeval face!


January Highlights

January was a bit of a quite month as far performances were concerned however the year started of with a packed room at the Royal Oak for our annual post-Christmas, Christmas dinner (crackers & daft hats but no turkey).  This was very well attended so was a bit of a squeeze.

The first of this year’s outings was to see the Women in Black at the HFC.  Wow what a wonderful performance it was, without giving away the plot it the play was a play within a play and there were only 2 actors with minimal scenery nevertheless it and the actors were very affective.  There were several scary moments in the play which yours truly jumped out of his seat and a whole row of teenage schoolgirls added to those moments with high pitched screams. 

Not technically January but early February, 10 of the group went to see the True Foxes at the Keay Theatre St Austell.  The True Foxes are a duo of two Cornish girls sing their own compositions to great effect according to those who attended all commented on how nice the theatre was and how nice it was to try somewhere new.

Up and coming shows

Vanya Feb 22nd streaming in Merlin cinema


Jam Jazz in Bodmin old library.

Canterbury tales at Warleggan

Hells Bells by the miracle theatre at Lostwithiel Community Centre

Agatha Christie’s And then there were none at HFC.

Highlights from December 2023

Skylight The National Theatre live.  Streamed at Bodmin cinema. Starring Bill Nighy and Carey Mulligan. Very positive feedback from all who attended.

Will Keating candlelight performance. Performed at Lostwithiel Church.  Another thoroughly enjoyable performance from Mr Keating and friends. The setting was really quite beautiful with the church just lite by candlelight. A lot of the music and songs were Cornish in origin and one of them had the audience were dancing in the aisles (literally) a giant conger managed to dance through nearly all the church. It was a wonderful pre-Christmas event.

The Nutcracker.  At both the Merlin & White River cinemas.  The performance was described as purely magical by those who went.

Remi Harris.  The Music of Peter Green.  St Austell Arts Theatre.  The feedback from this performance was very positive and enjoyed by those who attended.

October highlights

It was decided recently that a review for some of the performances would be a good idea.  Carol though it best if the group kept the review to three performances.  The 3 reviews were as follows:

Jam jazz at the Masons Arms Bodmin was deemed to be very good and atmospheric. The consensus of opinion was that the Masons Arms was a very good venue, and the cost was very reasonable.  All who went said that they would be happy to see other performances at the pub.

Noises Off at the HFC was a very clever, funny and enjoyable farce and Mathew Kelly was very good in one of the leading roles. Despite the play being very enjoyable those who went felt it was a play to see only the once but recommended that anyone that hadn’t seen it should go if the opportunity arises.

Phil Beer at the St Austell Arts Theatre. “Phil Beer is the multi-instrumental half of the west country's award-winning acoustic duo, Show of Hands. With a professional career of over 36 years, Phil has a great deal of material to draw on for his solo appearances, which are an eclectic mix of traditional tunes, covers of Springsteen or The Hollies and the Band, together with his own compositions and songs from his contemporaries”. All who attended thought the gig was very good and Phil showed that he was a really talented multi-instrumentalist play 3 types of guitar, banjo, mandolin and fiddle and was a great raconteur.  All agreed that they would see Phil again if he did any more gigs locally.

Prior to the performance, the St Austell Arts theatre manager announced that it was the Theatres intension to put on at least one performance (music comedy or play) a month so please check their website for new performances as the sometimes a performance or gig will pop up at short notice.

The Next Meeting (December) will on the 2nd Thursday not the 3rd as it is too near Christmas.

September highlights

Only a couple of trips this month, the first was the St Austell Arts Theatre (SAAT) to see Guitar Legends, not a wholly successful performance, a bit loud and someone who does not sing very well should not attempt Queens Bohemian Rhapsody. However, all thoughts of that were dispersed the next day when 10 members visited Hall for Cornwall (after a leisurely lunch at Charlottes and some retail therapy in town) to see the National Theatre’s production of Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of The World which was a master class in theatre. Afterwards everyone agreed that it was a magical (and I don’t use the term lightly) performance and a number of us enjoyed it so much that we will be booking up to see it again when it returns to Theatre Royal Plymouth next year.

Future trips include Noises Off at HFC, Fascinating Aida (all tickets sold) Phil Beer (show of Hands) at SAAT and The Women in Black (HFC) in January.

Next months meeting will be back to our wintertime scheduled time of 10.30 at the Royal Oak on Thursday 19th October (don’t forget to register your car in at the bar if you park in the car park.  There is no charge but you may be fined if you don’t register it ) We look forward to seeing some old and new faces now the busy summer period for members is over.


Highlights for August include 42nd Street at Theatre Royal Plymouth, many who attended met at Lorenzo's for lunch before the performance. 

Outside jazz at the Royal Oak was a great for all, including the Theatre group attendees who  really let their hair down despite the rain and drizzle (it was a good job there were large umbrellas). I think we are all looking forward to the next one whenever that may be.

Future events to look forward to include; Guitar Legends (don't forget your air guitars) SAAT, Ocean at the end of the lane HFC and Noises Off HFC.

July 2023

New events

5th Aug King singers at Hall for Cornwall  No Leader so if interested  please make your arrangements

Guitar Legends Update: 22nd Sept Contact Ann.  Drivers Judy & Sheila. 

 6th Aug Reg Meuross At the Piggery.  Leader Carol 

8th August Pride & Prejudice Pentillie Leader Judy

28th Aug Bank Holiday Monday 1700hrs.  Outdoor jazz at the Royal Oak.  This event has been very popular this year Book early for a table to avoid disappointment.

27th Sept 2.30 Noises Off at Hall for Cornwall. Leader Marion



June 2023

New Events

24th & 25th August King Lear Tregrehan Gardens TBC

27th August 2pm  BBC proms Hall for Cornwall Price £15 & £19 Leader TBC


May 2023

24 June Matinee Beekeeper of Aleppo    TRP        Leader: Anne F                 £29

25 June Ronnie Scott’s   H4C        Leader: Sheila                   £27

1 July 16.00        Grimm Sisters    Cardinham Carol                            

6 July, 19.00       Lemonaires  Wheat Martyn          Leader: Carol                   

15 July 16. 16.00  Battling Butlers  Cardinham  Leader: Ann                          

10 August 23        42nd Street              TRP        Leader: Judy  £29 and £52

Sat 23 September  matinee  Ocean at the End of the Lane      H4C        Leader: Ann H Booked and paid for.

Other productions that individuals might like to attend or even lead.

28 June, 7.30      The Tempest          St Austell Arts

15 July 19.00      Countrymen        St Barts

16 July 19.00      Mozart by the River         Liskeard church

30 July  16.00     Romeo & Juliet  Cardinham

15 September     The thing about swing    St Austell Arts

22 September Guitar Legends     St Austell Art 

Fri 9 June 8pmThe Freddie & Queen experience Keay Theatre

Fri 16th June  7.30PM Mark Simmons. Comedian (Mock the Week)  Keay Theatre

 Saturday 8th July 2023 C8 pm Cilla & the swinging 60’s  Keay Theatre

Visit Keay Theatre St Austell   https://www.cornwall.ac.uk/thekeay/  to see all upcoming productions

 Next meeting:  June 15th 11.00 The Royal Oak

March 2023

Lostwithiel u3a had a successful Open Day with a lot of interest in the theatre group and people signing up to join.   We welcomed five new members which means we are now over subscribed so are obliged to have a waiting list.

At the time of the meeting there are fourteen booked events to look forward to - comedies,dramas and 'big band divas' also jazz, folk and classical music at various venues.

Our new events are   -  17 May   Message in a Bottle at HFC arranged by Val

                                      24 June   Beekeeper of Aleppo at TRP     ''         ''  Anne F

                                      25 June   Ronnie Scott's Jazz  at  HFC      ''         ''  Sheila

Next meeting 20 April  at 10.30 when it is hoped to arrange new leaders for the group.


This month we are off to the following  -  Lavender Hill Mob at HFC, Martin Dale and Quartet at Lerryn.

In March - An Inspector Calls TRP, Big Band Divas HFC, Roving Crows Lostwithiel, Aly Bain St Austell, Caracana st Bodmin,Mrs Warrens Profession at HFC.

April brings  -  Cinderella streaming at Bodmin, Good streamed at Bodmin, Machine of Wonder at Penzance.

In August 42nd Street at TRP and Sept  Ocean at End of the Lane at TRP.                     Great variety of choice over fourteen lovely trips.


January 2023

We added in a few spontaneous trips that were spotted over past weeks as most of our members have their eyes open for events that maybe of interest.    Our recent monthly meeting produced bookings for Barber of Seville a streamed event from Royal Opera House in Feb, Purcell and Haydn by ECB choir in March and Good also streamed, in April.   There is now a ticket available for the Crucible showing in Bodmin on 26 Jan.

Further possibilities are Rocketman at Keay Theatre and Othello in Feb, Caracana folk group at Old Library Bodmin in March.

Two members were thanked for the time they give supporting our activities, this prompted by group co-ordinator, Jenny, stepping down in a few months time and giving someone else the chance to take our vibrant group forward.


Eighteen of us enjoyed a splendid  Christmas Lunch at the Royal Oak preceded by a busy meeting.     Lots of ideas, so for 2023 we have on offer:-

January - Simon and Garfunfel at Hall for Cornwall,  Like Water for Chocolate, a live streamed ballet at Bodmin, Wurlitza band performing to Charlie Chaplin film at Liskeard and a streaming of The Crucible.

In February - Lavender Hill Mob at H.F.C., Jazz Cafe (The Hoodle and Martin Dale) at Lerryn.

March - An Inspector Calls at Theatre Royal Plymouth, Big Band Divas at H.F.C. and Mrs Warrens Profession at H.F.C.

Further ahead is 42nd Street in August and The Ocean at the End of the Lane in Sept.    Our next meeting is on 19th Jan.



Well, we found even more to enjoy in November.   Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra at St Austell Arts, giving some of us three consecutive nights of widely differing entertainment.  Tom Stoppard's Arcadia at St Austell Arts on 30th.

On 2nd December Derek Hines, local poet and musician, reading poetry for u3a poetry group in Lostwithiel, also on 14th Dec Owdyado Theatre's Twisted Tales (three plays) again at St Austell Arts.

With our Christmas Lunch at the Royal Oak, after a brief meeting, on the 15th we probably have enough to do, as there are several plans in the pipeline for next year.


Since this months meeting we have been to see Remmi Harris/Tom Moore at St Austell, Lau at St Petroc's, African Road Trip at H4C and El Trocadero de Monte Carlo, all well attended and thoroughly enjoyed.    Two members stayed local, Lostwithiel Church Rooms, for Seamus Casey's 'Am I a Nationalist'.

We have the following to look forward to!       Live-streaming of Seagull at Bodmin, Nov 3rd. Hopefully, Celloman, St Austell, Nov 4th, but currently no driver available.        Canorian Lowen, St Neot church, Nov12th.     Royal Ballet's Diamond Celebration, Bodmin cinema, Nov16th.         Paul Harris, pianist, Truro college, Nov 18th.   Bourne's Sleeping Beauty, T.R.P.  Nov19th.     Jazz Jam, Bodmin Old Library, Nov21st.

Seven trips in November will keep us busy, however it is then panto season and nothing so far in December. 


Meeting news from this months meeting, kindly taken by Carol, who is currently keeping everything up to date for us.   Sue explained that the postponed Jazz Jam, Bodmin will be held on 21 November.

New bookings are:-

15th Oct Delicate at the Drum TRPlymouth, Carol booking.      Jack Absolute (from The Rivals) streamed at Capitol, Bodmin organized by Ann H, Our tickets purchased but seats still available at cinema.        S African Road Trip H4F matinee 22 Oct, by train, Pat arranging.        Seagull, live to Capitol cinema, Bodmin 3rd Nov, by car, Carol arranging - reminder Movie Magic cards.         St Agnes Fountain 8 Dec at 7pm. St Petrocs Bodmin, book with Carol.

10th Jan 2023 Simon and Garfunkel Show 7.30pm at Hall 4 C'wall, book with Pat/Sue.  Christmas Lunch is at the Royal Oak 15th December, 12.30pm after a brief meeting. Othello at TRP and Marigold Hotel H4C were also discussed.

July - August

Trips during July are As You Like It outdoors at Pentillie Castle plus supper option on 20th, arranged by Annie.      Prime Facie live streamed at Bodmin cinema 0n 25th, see Jenny.     King Lear, Miracle's version, outdoors with picnics at Boconnoc on 21st, see Judy.   

I Am Kevin by Wildworks on Carlyon Beach on Aug 18th arranged by Ann H.


At this months meeting we welcomed two more members.    When given a reminder that we have three DVDs of Miracle productions all were borrowed straight away and there was a suggestion that we might purchase further DVDs to be lent out to members.    Members choices very welcome, there must be so much available.   There were several ideas regarding new events, we settled for

Prima Facie live streaming on 21st July at Bodmin arranged by Jenny

The Countrymen on 17th Sept at Sterts (plus possibly a meal beforehand) arranged by Sheila.

I Am Kevin at Carlyon Bay date to be decided at next meeting which is Thursday 21st July, at Royal Oak



May 2022

Since our last meeting we have enjoyed five trips to a variety of entertainments and venues and now look forward to:-

Superstition Mountain 24th May at St Barts (Pat)

27th May Calvino Nights at Heligan (organizer Ann H)

28th May Show of Hands at Carnglaze Caverns (Sheila}

9th June Straight Line Crazy at Bodmin cinema (Jenny)

19th June Plymouth Symphony Orchestra, Sterts (Margot)

20 June King Lear at Boconnoc (Judy)

1st Sept Miranda Sykes at Calstock (Sue)

18th Sept Pam Ayres at H4C (Ann H)

12th Nov Bourne's Sleeping Beauty at TRP (Judy)

At our next meeting there is interest in booking:-

BBC proms H4C, 25th July, La Boheme TRP in October, I Am Kevin, Wildworks, Carlyon Bay 6th Aug, Singing in the Rain TRP,

Meetings will start 11am during the summer.











There is sometimes a waiting list to join this group. Please contact Jenny for more information either by phone or by clicking on the blue contact button above

April 2022

We have been pleased to welcome three new members to the group which has absorbed our waiting list for the present.

Nine planned events were enjoyed in March and  eight in April, with an occasional trip added spontaneously which shows our delight in the recovery of  theatres locally.   We have have been to a variety venues from the new Hall for Cornwall to St Bart's, Lostwithiel and the intimate Old Library, Bodmin.

Plans in the pipeline include  Davey Hall, singer 8 May, Haydn's Creation, Liskeard 14 May, Calvino Nights, Heligan 27 May, Show of Hands, Carnglaze Caverns 28 May

Further ahead As You Like It at Pentillie Garden 20 July, King Lear at Boconnoc Gdns 27 July, I am Kevin on Crlyon Beach, Singing in the Rain at Theatre Royal 20 Aug, Pam Ayres at H4C, Truro 18 Sept plus two ballets and an opera in the autumn.


February 2022

I was wrong, last month, that the Minack in March would be too cold - a few folk have booked and will be braving the cliff-tops!       It is so good to have a busy theatre diary again, we are looking forward to the following and thank the lovely members who take turns arranging our trips.

3/3/22 Fascinating Aida at H4C (Pat)    3/3  Book of Dust at Capitol Bodmin 

10/3  Skank at Bodmin Old LIbrary   12/3  Sorry, you're Not a Winner at Drum TRP (Carol)

18/3  Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra at H4C Truro  (Ann H)

21/3  Jazz Jam Bodmin Old Library  (Sue L)   26/3 Reg Meuross at Devoran (Sue L)

31/3 Animal Farm H4C  (Val)   Wuthering Heights  H4C  (Judy)  5/4 Jenufa  TRP  (Anne F)

7,8,9/4  Old People Are Revolting  Lostwithiel Comedy of Errors  H4C  (Anne F)

21/4  Henry V  Capitol cinema  (Annie)  and The Lerryn Revue in due course.


January 2022

We start the new year with nine events to look forward to in a wide range of genres.

Many ideas were considered but we ruled out Carl Grose's 'Superstitious Mountain' as it was at the Minack and too chilly in March!     Our new plans are as follows:-

Don Quixote, Birmingham ballet at Theatre Royal, Plymouth  19th March, arranged by Judy

Carpenters Story, T.R.P on 27th March

Animal Farm with puppets, T.R.P. 31st March matinee booked by Val

An overnight trip to Bristol Old Vic for Mark Rylance in Dr Semmelweis last weekend of Jan.

Comedy of Errors at Hall for Cornwall 10th April.      Some of these needed to be booked during the meeting while good seats still available, other bookings will be held so latecomers can join us more easily.

Next meeting is 10.30am February 17th

December 2021

Covid is again responsible for some events being cancelled, however so far we have been lucky.   All the 2022 bookings shown below from Novembers meeting are now booked but if you wish to join us please buy your own ticket and 'join the party', the organizer can tell you where we are sitting if seats are numbered.

After the meeting we enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch at the Royal Oak, a treat to be socializing again.

Our new choices are:-

Lau, Scottish folk group, St Petrocs, Bodmin  Feb 19th  £18.50  contact Gillie H.

Skank, comedy drama, Old Library Bodmin.   March 10th    Carol W.

Jenufa. opera,  T.R.P. Plymouth   April 5th   £32    Anne F.

Jazz Jam, Simon Latarch, Old Library.   £10   Sue L.

Lerryn Revue.  Date to be advised

Our January meeting is on Thursday 20th, 10.30am at Royal Oak, when we hope to welcome our two new members.

November   2021

We enjoyed five outings over the last month and have discussed lots of new ideas at this months meeting, which was well attended.    So here are our plans..........

27/11/21    Shylock at Harrowbarrow V.H.  arranged by Anne F

27/11         La Vie en Rose    Mount Folly, Bodmin

28/11 and 1/12   Anything Goes    Capitol, Bodmin    Carol (28th)  Judy (1st)

3 and 4/12  Lerryn Unlocked   Lerryn V.H.   Postponed due to Covid surge

9/12        Johnny Cowling Sings Gospel    St Petrocs    discussed/possible

16/12     Meeting at 11.30 followed by Christmas Lunch at 12.30.  Royal Oak.  Jenny

And for next year.....

26/1/22    Private Lives  matinee,   Hall for Cornwall   Ann H  by train

27/1         Leopoldstadt    Capitol Cinema, Bodmin      Carol

10/2         Groan Ups  matinee   Hall for Cornwall     Jenny   by train

3/3           Fascinating Aida   H4C  evening      Pat    Transport to be decided

2/4           Wuthering Heights  H4C  matinee     Judy


October 2021

Our first indoor meeting for such a long time, we had the pub entirely to ourselves and felt safe from infection risks as well ventilated and many of us having had our 3rd vaccinations.  However some members are still wary of an indoor theatre situation and the weather for outdoor venues has now passed, limiting our choice.
Even so we have a trip planned for each of the next five months with more opportunities popping up as more theatre companies get productions up and running.   This includes the Lerryn Players who are always worth a visit!
Oct 30th Camp Theatre's The Book plus The Dock Brief is at Sterts
Nov 15th Jazz Jam at Bodmin Old LIbrary
December? Well something will almost certainly turn up.
The new year brings Private Lives, 26th Jan, at Hall for Cornwall's newly redesigned venue.
Then 10th Feb, Groan Ups comedy at Hall for Cornwall
Followed by Fascinating Aida at the same venue on 3rd March.
We discussed other events including Mark Harrison Duo, Les Miserables and Shylock but either transport difficulties or insufficient interest.
We plan to have either a Christmas lunch on our December meeting day, 16th, or a January lunch, a choice to be made when Christmas menus are available.
Next meeting 10am November 18th.

September 2021

A number of our plans have been thwarted due to Covid cancellations including visits to Sterts, Heligan, Lerryn and Minack.  

Our first outdoor trip was to hear 'The Countrymen'   Fortunately our big treat (with food) to Miracle's 'Star Crazy at Tregrehan was a great evening - the best of 'old times'    'Six' at TRP returned after it's cancellation last year and was well supported.Visits to both Pentillie (food again) and Sterts for Illyria's 'HMS Pinafore'were enjoyed.

Bookings made for 'The Dresser' at Theatre Royal, Plymouth Oct 21st and also Fisherman's Friends the Musical on both Oct 16th and 23rd.   The latter being the debut show at Truro's new Hall for Cornwall.Next meeting 16th October

Summer 2020

Trips are planned to Sterts for 'Dis-Danced', 'Gun' and HMS Pinafore.   Minack for Great Gatsby, Restormel Castle for Miracle's King Lear (which they inform us Shakespeare wrote in a lockdown during the plague).        We are still exchanging news of a plethora of online music events and plays.

July 11th

Outdoor theatre and music, socially distanced can be resumed!

Illyria and Miracle companies immediately reported plans for summer productions which we look forward to supporting.


We continue to share lots of online streamings to watch at home and have get-togethers via Zoom to keep in touch.   We also plan picnics in the park.    It is sad to see theatres and companies struggling to survive without an income but still having overheads to meet.


March 2020

Unfortunately we had to cancel our March meeting and will not be able to recommence until social distancing can end, and indeed , when we know what will be available to book.        This is a sad time for theatres and production companies alike and some will find it hard to survive.                                                                                                   

The Miracle company say that Shakespeare wrote King Lear while in isolation during the plague.        Sterts theatre are maintaining their humour by suggesting we look out for 'Lady Macbeth' soap!


February  2020

Sterts, Minack and our favourite outdoor theatre companies are beginning to announce their season's programmes.     We have chosen the following - just for 'starters'!                         They are open for booking at our next meeting on 19th March.

29th May  Miracle's King Lear at Restormel Castle

24th July   Sterts Company's  Guys and Dolls at Upton Cross

1st   Tower Theatre's  Great Gatsby at Minack

We also have The Kite Runner 7th May TRP, Six TRP and the live streaming of National Theatrs The Welkin  21st May to anticipate.    Tickets for The Welkin still available (Jenny)


January 2020

At this months meeting we took a preliminary look at this years Minnack Theatre programme and will make choices next month.    If our best laid plans fall into place we will use the Lerryn mini-bus thanks to a kind volunteer driver.

Movie Magic discount cards from Capitol cinema, Bodmin are proving popular and appear to suit our ticket buying system.

Two events have been suggested with only a couple of members interested so they are making their own arrangements.  It's good that the group is useful in this way, a contrast to booking lists of 18 for an event.

Feb 20th Carol is arranging 'The Coastguard' at Bodmin Old Library

Feb 22nd Mat. 3 people are going to 'Measure for Measure' at TRP Lyric by train.  There are still a few seats available direct from TRP.

TRP Drum offered us tickets for 'Drink Rum with Expats' for just £5 !   TRP direct (on-line/phone) before midnight on Sunday 19th  On from Jan 28 till Feb 1st, possible to go by train in evening.  One member booked straight away for Thurs eve.

We'll meet again on Feb 20th so please bring your suggestions for further outings.





We are starting off the new year with a great variety of eleven new events:-

Jan 24  Underbelly venue as yet undisclosed (but somewhere in Union St, Plymouth )arranged by TRP.  £5  Ann H.

Feb 4   Kinky Boots, streaming at Bodmin.   Val

Feb 20-22  Lostwithiel Players, Church Rooms.  Helen will give us information when it is available, we will buy own tickets locally.

Feb  28   Ashton Lane folk duo, Lerryn Hall  £9.  Ann H.

and also

Feb  28   Sean Lakeman/Kathryn Roberts, St Austell Arts theatre,  £15.   Sue has info

Mar  14   Amsterdam, TRP Drum. mat.   £11.  Rosie

Mar 15   Peter Knight/John Spiers St Austell Arts theatre  ( possibly the whole Gigspanner band ) £15.  Sandra

April 2 or 4  mat.  Swan Lake, TRP Lyric mat.  Carol

May 7   The Kite Runner, TRP Lyric mat.  £23  good seats reserved, some still available,   RosieMay 21  The Welkin, National Theatre, streamed at Bodmin   Annie

May 31  'Six'  a new musical TRP Lyric. mat. £33.50   good seats reserved, some still available.   Judy

Our next meeting is the usual 3rd Thursday of month - Jan 16th




Once more we had a waiting list as two people want to join our busy group. We have since been able to welcome one them and are keeping the other informed of our activities and hope she can join some of our events.

Currently we have seven events to look forward to - one being a lunch when the conversation may reflect our own comedies and dramas.....?

We have now added
Lerryn's Christmas Crackers , Ann brought tickets to the meeting for Dec 6th and 7th
Lost in Song's Cornish Carols of the Diaspora at St Bart's. Dec 7th buying tickets individually.
Ceremony of Carols by E.C.B.Choir at St Petroc's tickets from Anne F. Dec 14th
Knight and Spiers folk music at Calstock. Tickets from CRBO Dec15th
Oh No It Isn't, Bodmin Old Library. Organized by Val on Dec 17th
Priscilla Queen of the Desert, TRP. Pat, on Dec 21st
And in 2020
Mary Poppins at Bodmin College in Jan - however when Carol tried to book they had already sold out.
Kite Runner at TRP . Rosie has made a group booking for May 3rd

Many ideas were forthcoming and we had to choose carefully as several dates clashed, including
'I think I would explode' - 3 plays by Charles Causley, Les Mis and Cats both live at Bodmin cinema,

Next month's meeting is Dec 19th when we shall make arrangements for 'I think We Are Alone' at TRP, 'Amsterdam' at the Drum and Swan Lake.











17 October


Midsummer Night’s Dream

Live streaming

St Austell

Ann H


Tickets at the theatre. Meet 6.15 in the car park.

26 October

Women in Mind

Menheniot + meal




Supper at 6.15

1 November

Confessions of a Cockney temple dancer


Ann H


Cancelled – too few people could attend.


2 November



Drum matinee

2.45 start


Train travel

Jenny to be in touch on her return re travel/meal options.

7 November




Live streaming

St Austell

Ann H




Sunday 10 November 5.00pm

42nd Street

Streaming to Bodmin cinema

Jenny M





17 November



Elves & Shoemaker

Bodmin Old Library



Meet 2.00pm in LCC car park for 3.00pm show.

28 November

Present Laughter

Streaming to St Austell


Ann H



30 November



Strange Tale of Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel

TRP Drum





£11 conc

(£13 full)

26 November – 22 Dec


Old Library


Discuss in November


6 and 7 December

Lerryn’s Christmas Crackers

Lerryn Memorial Hall, 7.00 for 7.30

Ann H

Minibus available from Lostwithiel (and back)

£7 - Tickets at Nov meeting

14 December

Ceremony of Carols by East Cornwall Bach Choir

St Petroc’s

Anne F


Tickets to be available at November meeting

29 December



Les Gloriables




No take-up




Mary Poppins

Bodmin College




Discuss in November



Kite Runner





Discuss in November


Thursday 12 DECEMBER


   BOOKED 12.30 FOR 1.00      Booked for 16 incl. Jenny and Judy


Cash and cheque payments to the organiser.
( Online payments and cheques should specify Lostwithiel Area u3a, not individuals.)


Despite the absence of several regular members there were eighteen attendees enjoying refreshments and sharing ideas at this months meeting.

New plans include Camp Theatres 'Woman in Mind' at Menheniot.  Last years production was enjoyed by all, as was the pre-show meal, so we shall do this again on 26th October.  Carol is booking this for us.

Next is '42nd Street' streamed to the new Bodmin cinema, Jenny arranging for Sunday 10th Nov.

Followed by 'Elves and the Shoemaker' a matinee on 17th November arranged by Val.  This is in the lovely little venue created in the Old Bodmin Library.

Then on 28th November Ann H is booking Noel Cowards 'Present Laughter'.   A production by National Theatre, streamed to St Austell cinema.

This is a busy week as it is followed by  'The Strange Tale of Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel' at TRP Drum, a matinee on 30th Nov, tickets via Judy.

The evening of 1st December brings 'Confessions of a Cockney Temple Dancer' to Calstock's Art Centre.  Arranged by Ann H.

An amazing variety in these six new events, enjoy!



There are two great dance companies giving outdoor performances at present. Southpaw have a show called Icarus in Liskeard and St Austell and Yskynna have a vertical dance telling the tale of a balmaiden, Estah's Story at Heartlands heritage mine site, Redruth.  Members will go to both according to the weather situation.

We have two live streamed events planned and hope to use the new Bodmin cinema.

Midsummer Night's Dream on 17 Oct (St Austell)  Ann H is arranging this, also Hansard on 7th Nov, hopefully at Bodmin.

This is a lovely new 4 screen cinema in the preserved old Public Hall and is expecting its satellite for streaming to be operable late Sept.

Also up coming is 'Status' at TRP's Drum, a 'Sat mat' on 2nd Nov, Jenny arranging this.

We have been enjoying Lostwithiel's Sing Along the River on Thursday evenings throughout August.

No tickets needed, just turn up - and enjoy the food too!


JULY 2019

There have been six theatre trips in the past month and as usual members enthused over what they had seen, particularly Dead Dog in a Suitcase (Bristol Old Vic) and Gigspanner.

We are so pleased that Theatre Royal Plymouth is now offering Saturday matinees for their Drum productions.   We have contacted them several times to say how much those living further afield would appreciate this as evening transport is so poor.   

We were quick to choose two of these and will be going to 'Unsung' on 14 Sept and 'The Ladder' on 29 Sept, Jenny is arranging these and doubtless a lunch will also feature.

With the Kneehigh company fresh in our minds Val is organizing a trip to their Asylum marquee on Carlyon beach to see The Dancing Frog on 27 August.

Sterts are venturing into big screen films and showing Bohemian Rhapsody which Ann H is booking for us on 10 Aug.

Carol W is organizing Girl on a Train (Lyric TRP) for 5 ) October

Some members are going to HeliJazz on 9 and 10 Aug and the LAMA bus is offering transport.