Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Photography GroupWe are a friendly photography group with a wide variety of skill levels and interests. The group meets three times each month. One of our meetings sees us out around the county and sometimes further afield, taking pictures and helping each other to try new photographic techniques and challenges. There are also two meetings held online  - in one we share and discuss images based on a monthly theme, whilst in the second we explore a variety of topics related to processing images in more depth. We also arrange workshops for the group with renowned professional photographers. These give us the chance to improve and grow within our own particular area of interest. Over the last ten years we have also held four successful exhibitions . We welcome members with all ranges of ability and equipment - most of us started using our phone as a camera!

To see many wonderful images from our members please view our two Flickr Albums by clicking on the title below:

Vol 1 (to July 21)

Vol 2 (August 21 onwards)


Contact the Group Leader

Group contact: Stephanie Thomas

Telephone: 01208 841484

Group contact: Lindsay Southgate

Telephone: 01208 873371


July 2024


There may be a few more people in the county for the summer but we can still find some space to take our photographs!

The Field Trip will be to Roughtor this month, after a Platform Meeting for which the theme is NUMBERS!

We will also be looking out for some High Key photography for Photo Extra at the start of August. 

All the details are on the subpages accessible form the left hand menu




June 2024


Image - Jenni C


Might we be seeing some better weather at last? Let's hope we can take advantage of this for some images on the theme of "events" which is the topic for our next Platform meeting.

The Field Trip this month is to the Luxulyan Viaduct.

Having looked at High Key images at the start of this month we are now on the look out for "the decisive moment" for Photo Extra at the start of July.

Plenty to keep ourselves occupied with! As ever you can access more details from the menu on the left hand side of this page.



May 2024



May started with a treat as we enjoyed a fabulous visit to Ethy House near Lerryn.


Members were keeping an eye out for images with "lines" as this is the theme for the Platform meeting this month. But then what is a line?...........


We are also working on some high key images to discuss at our nexct Photo Extra meeting.





April 2024



Image - Rose



We have already enjoyed a fantastic talk by Adrian Langdon this month which will be followed by our usual meetings. At The Platform meeting we will be looking at images on the theme of "Emerging", and the Field Trip this month is to Sibleyback Reservoir. All the details from the menu on your left



March 2024

The year is flying by and we have had some great activities already this year. We continue in March with a Field Trip to Boscastle. All the details on the Field Trip page from the menu on the left.

In April we are joined once again by Adrian Langdon with a talk entitled "How to photograph wildlife". This is the second part of the wonderful talk Adrian gave us last year. This one will concentrate more on mammals, insests such as butterfles and dragonflies and reptiles ... though a few birds may drop in.



Image above from a slightly damp Lanhydrock Field Trip - a hardy bunch indeed!



January 2024



  Feedback from January Platform meeting
At the January Platform meeting we reviewed our activities for the upcoming year. All members were invited to contribute either in person or via email. 
The following is a summary of those discussions:
Field Trips - a draft calendar for 2024 was agreed. Clearly these are subject to amendment where necessary. The website has been updated with locations and leaders. We will review these two months ahead at the Platform Meetings.
Platform meetings - there were no suggestions to change the format of this monthly meeting. A discussion about timing resulted in the decision to stick with the 2pm slot.
Photo Extra meetings - as above the format and time are to be unchanged. It was agreed that the topic for the meeting will be agreed two months in advance so that members have time to prepare input.
There were no further items raised. During the course of the year all members are encouraged to make further suggestions for topics, locations or activities.
The Field Trip in January is to Penzance. All the details can be found on the Field trip page accessible from the left hand menu.


December 2023

And so another year draws to a close. Once again we have had a fabulous year of fun and photography. For next year we are sure to keep up the pace so here's wishing everyone a peaceful and restful Christmas before we set off again on January 8th with our Photo Extra meeting...all the details are on the Diary page.



November 2023




The Photographer's Eye - our very first members' Zine is back from the printers! It is such a great showcase of the varied work which our members produce.

At Photo Extra this month we are looking at the importance of Light in our photography. The theme for images at our Platform meeting is Architecture. As for our Field Trip - it is related to one of our favourite activities - food and drink. Chrstmas lunch is at Stepping Stone in Wadebridge!