Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Art Easel
The art group formerly known as Art2Start has a new identity and a new leader. 

Member Trish Penrose has taken over from Jacquie Hannan, who is moving away from the area.   We extend our best wishes to Jacquie and thank her for leading  a friendly and successful group for several years.
 The group is now named u3Art, and Trish will be assisted in the running of the group by several other members who have shared out the various tasks between  them to ensure the smooth and continued success of the group.

 Members use a variety of drawing and painting media and would welcome new members of all abilities.
We now meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre Oasis Room  on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month, from 2pm to 4pm (although this can be subject to change at times to accommodate other groups)

Contact the Group Leader

Group Contact: Trish Penrose

Telephone: 07780 713276

Update of 12th February 2024

When the group met again after the Christmas break, we compiled a new list of “themes” to work to for those who wish to.  

The first theme was to produce “portraits” of trees in charcoal and pencil, concentrating on tonal values and form rather than colour, allowing us to concentrate on the varying shapes of different types of trees. 

We then moved on to “unusual skies/weather” in any medium.  Members brought in their own photographs or found pictures in the group’s art books. The aim was to depict different weathers by making the sky the focal point of the painting. 

Our third theme was “sponge painting” using natural sponges instead of brushes and either watercolour paint, acrylic paint or inks. We discovered that using a sponge can produce remarkable textures easily, and is excellent for painting foliage, clouds, rocks, breaking waves, walls, buildings, etc, etc.

See more example of our Art work on our January 2024 sub page

During February U3Art held a bric a brac stall, items donated by the group members and friends - all proceeds went to the Lostwithiel Community Centre and we raised approx £82.

The group is at present at full capacity, given the size of our venue, but if anyone is interested in joining, we can always take contact details in case we have a space in the future. 

Update of 20th October 2022

Our Art group is essentially an opportunity for people to have time to indulge in their art without interruption which is often difficult in the home setting. Members are free to work at whatever subject and in whatever medium they wish but some members find it encouraging to have a theme to work to.  Our chosen theme for the moment is “Autumn” but it’s not compulsory.