Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Creative Writing 2

The Lostwithiel Community Centre, our venue, have acknowledged these dates and are all at 2.30pm.

The dates are all Wednesdays:  July 17th; August 14th; September 18th; October 16th; November 20th; December 18th.

I suggest that all members can find useful information on the U3A Lostwithiel website to which new and prospective new members could be made aware of.

Our next story theme is “Time for Change”. Good luck!

The Group strives to complete their stories in time to email to all other members for interest and for kind consideration.

We can, if agreed by the author, only read out loud to the members at the meeting and also discuss and comment upon.
Those unable to attend a meeting are encouraged to please feel free to submit their stories for the consideration of those who can attend.

Kind regards, Dave.

Contact the Group Leader

Group leader: David Bridges

Telephone: 07891724221