Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Beverage ’n Banter

"Beverage 'n Banter" will meet up on the first Monday in the months that alternate with our usual "Open Meetings"

The first is Monday 6th February 2023 (then in April/June/Aug etc).

Contact the Group Leader

3rd June 2024

This proved to be a time when many of our "regulars" were either away themselves or entertaining family/friends themselves - so it was prudent to postpone this meeting. Next one is Monday 12th August as otherwise this will clash with "Carnival' week!

8th April 2024

Again a reasonable attendance with much gaiety & convivial conversation. Next meeting June 3rd

5th February 2024

29 attendees - a new record! Lots of banter 'n beverage together with big doses of FUN. We were pleased to welcome some new u3a Members & one "guest" who also "signed up" on the day.

Due to Easter, our next meeting is Monday 8th April - see you there!

4th December 2023

A great attendance - 24 being our "new record" - enjoyed a very lively morning with a real "buzz" in the decorated foyer of the Fowey Valley Hotel. Our merriment was "helped down" with not only complimentary Mince Pies but also Saffron cake - yummy!

Compliments of the Season to all our Members - see you at our next meeting on  Monday 5th February.

2nd October 2023

Our vice Chair & group Coordinator, Annie Singer hosted this meeting & was pleased to catch-up with those able to attend.

Our next meeting is Monday 4th December & will include a special treat to put you in the festive mood!

21st September 2023

We met in August and our next meeting is on Monday 2nd October at 11.00am in the Fowey Valley Hotel, Lostwithiel as usual.

5th June 2023

Again a good attendance despite the lovely weather attracting family/friends down to stay with several of our members!

The next meeting is Monday 7th August - venue/time as before. See you there

3rd April 2023

Despite being the week leading up to Easter & several people away or entertaining friends/friends, we had a healthy attendance of 16. I was particularly pleased that this included several of our newest Members who joined us following our u3a Open Day!

Although only our second get-together, it's clear that new friendships are forming & folk are looking froward to our next meeting on Monday 5th June 2023 - again at Fowey Valley Hotel, Lostwithiel.

Update of 13th February 2023

We had an excellent attendance for our first meeting on 6th February at Fowey Valley hotel, Lostwithiel where 20 folks enjoyed each others company!

There was certainly no shortage of animated conversation &, together with copious coffee/tea & biscuits, we “launched” this new Group . We have 29 members signed up so far & have room for a few more as not everyone will be able to attend each meeting.

Our next “Beverage ’n Banter” meeting is on Monday 3rd April, again at Fowey Valley hotel &, don’t forget, follows our grand u3a “Open Day” on Monday 6th March, Church Rooms, Lostwithiel.

Message from Our Chairman David Platt 5th January 2023

"As part of our u3a 10th Anniversary celebrations, we are launching a number of new Groups.
One of these is "Beverage 'n Banter" which will meet up on the first Monday in the months that alternate with our usual "Open Meetings" - so the first is Monday 6th February 2023 (then in April/June/Aug etc).
Our venue will be in the foyer at Fowey Valley Hotel, Lostwithiel commencing 11:00. Adequate parking is available.
So, if you enjoy a cup of Coffee/Tea (refill included) & a biscuit in an informal atmosphere & would like to meet up with other u3a Members - this could be the Group for you! Cost just £3 per head. However, you will need to "sign up" please to join the Group as places are limited.
I or a fellow Committee member will organise each meeting so we're not looking to fill any Group "positions" - just sign up, turn up & "smell the Coffee"!
Please contact me if you're interested by Monday 16th January - first come, first served!
Best wishes
Chair, u3a Lostwithiel area"