Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Updated 6th November 2019

Lostwithiel u3a is committed to protecting our members’ personal information and so will always keep you informed when there are any changes to the personal data we collect, where we store the data, and with whom we may disclose it.

Our membership records are held on a management system named BEACON. This system has been developed "in house" by the u3a and is being used by over 300 u3a groups in the UK.

Lostwithiel u3a hold a licence from The Third Age Trust for the use of the Beacon System. Terms and conditions of this licence may be read via This Link.

The Membership list held on the Beacon system will be used for matters solely connected with the efficient management and administration of Lostwithiel u3a.

On registration of membership of Lostwithiel u3a, we collect the following information that Members provide:

  • First Name(s)
  • Surname
  • Full postal address
  • Home telephone number
  • Mobile number (optional)
  • Email Address
  • Membership of other u3a branches

Beacon is an on-line system securely hosted at https://u3abeacon.org.uk and is accessed by username and password, allocated by each u3a site administrator.

All u3as are co-hosted on the same server, with comprehensive security arrangements to ensure that the data of each u3a is effectively isolated from that of all others. Moreover, the encryption key used to encrypt sensitive data fields is different for every u3a.

Access is strictly limited and only the Administrator and Membership Secretary can access and edit the full database. The Treasurer can enter financial information and is able to view members' details but cannot edit them or make changes. The Business Secretary can also view members' details but cannot edit them or make changes.

Group Contacts can access only basic contact details of their own group. ll Lostwithiel u3a members with access to the Beacon System have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.

Paying Subscriptions by Credit or Debit Card

Neither Lostwithiel u3a nor the overall Beacon system has any access to Credit / Debit Card details used for making any payment to Lostwithiel u3a. Payments are subject to PayPal's Privacy Policy and the terms of PayPal Account Optional.

If you have any queries regarding this, or wish to request a copy of your information held on the database, please contact the current Membership Secretary via the Contacts page of our website.