Lostwithiel Area u3a
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New Group 

This new group was set up in March 2023 and currently exploring ways in which way the group will operate. Watch this space.


May 2023

It was hoped that there would be enough participants to hold a monthly in house quiz, unfortunately prior commitments to other groups resulted in the decision not to hold the in-house quiz. However, a team has been put together to participate in some local evening quizzes, the first being at the Lostwithiel Conservative  club on Wednesday 24th May, 


Contact the Group Leader

Group Leader: - -

Telephone: -

 January 2024    This group has now closed

May 2023

Due to extended holidays the quiz team has been a bit thin on the ground, however we got back into the swing of things and competed in the Conservative club quiz and won. The prize money won was donated to the Marie Curie Foundation and the previous winnings went to the Blood Bike Charity.

There will be no in house quizzes for the time being but we will try again in the winter when there are fewer distractions, beach, trips out etc.

Update March 30th 2023

2 quizzes in the bag. The 1st took place on the 20th March in the afternoon in the Royal Oak. It was an In-house quiz of 60 questions prepared and delivered by 2 of the group.  There were 2 teams of 4 and it was meant as a get to know each other and find out the depth and width of the groups quiz knowledge. Every one enjoyed the the experience that we decided to hold another one maybe in May and may hold one a more regular basis.

The 2nd Quiz was at the Lostwitheil Conservative Club on 29th March. We were a team of of 4, Jill Mark, Liz & Zeb.  The team was called Lostwitheil u3a  (to bang the drum for the organisation) and were the winning team. From this win we had 2 people showing an interest in joining the group, they were pointed the way to the u3a website were they good join. All in all a very successful and enjoyable night.  We will be back.

Update March 22nd 2023

We have had a successful 1st meeting and a subsequent trial quiz which was successful and enjoyable. A number of us will be attending a quiz at the Conservative club on 29th March. Quiz starts at 9.00 pm meet at 8.30pm.