Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Contact the Group Leader

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We meet every two weeks on Monday mornings.

Contact Veronica Ashworth (Lostwithiel, tel: 01208 873397) 

Walks are as flat as Cornwall permits and are usually less than 2 miles. We try to include refreshments at the end but this is dependant on venue opening times.

We are not all drivers so rely on the goodwill of strollers with cars to access the
various venues.

Group Veronica Ashworth 01208 873397 or 07761396512

Email veronica_ashworth@hotmail.com

URGENT UPDATE 17/02/2024 



UPDATE 22/01/24

Today's Pentewen walk was cancelled due to forecast high winds.

We try to notify all members who have told us they intend to join us if walks are cancelled. Please contact John or Veronica for up to date information.



Yes, we did have sunshine for our walk along part of the Clay Trail from Wheal Martyn!


UPDATE 23/10/23

Here is our programme of walks over the coming months.

Please note our next walk on Monday 6 November has changed and will now be on the Clay Trails near St Austell.

Details from John or Veronica.

September 11th:  Dunmere to Nanstallon Tea Orchard

An easy and favourite walk to start the autumn season
n.b. the tea rooms close after half term.
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Dunmere Camel
Trail car park (via Borough Arms entrance).

September 25th:  Circular Clay trail walk (near Penwithick)

This walk takes us around an old china clay quarry with excellent views but is exposed
to the weather. Refreshments afterwards could be at the nearby Carclaze Inn or
recently opened Niles Bakery Tea Shop. Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at
10am for car sharing to the clay trail car park near Penwithick.
Directions from St Austell
From St.Austell drive north on the A391 (St.Austell Eastern Distributor Road) to the
top of the hill above St. Austell driving across 4 roundabouts. While on the plateau
continue for about 1 mile passing under a footbridge to the next roundabout. Turn
right (signposted Eden Project). Drive about 500 yards down a short hill to the next
roundabout and turn right. Note that this is no longer a through road but leads to the
clay trail car park at the end. Meet here.
Directions From Bodmin
Take the A391 through Bugle to Stenalees Roundabout. Turn left towards St Austell.
After about a mile at the next roundabout turn left. Drive about 500 yards down a
short hill to the next roundabout and turn right. Note that this is no longer a through
road but leads to the clay trail car park at the end. Meet here.

October 9th:  Cardinham Woods

Following the ‘Lady Vale’ walk through the valley. Meet at Lostwithiel Community
Centre at 10am for car sharing to Cardinham Forestry car park (near Bodmin
Crematorium). Car parking fees apply. Refreshments at the forestry tea rooms (if
October 23rd (School Half Term): Bodmin Beacon Park and Nature Reserve.
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Bodmin Beacon car
park. Good views but very little shelter so keep a weather eye. Bring your own
refreshments - there is a local cafe but it is usually closed on Mondays.

November 6th:  Spit Point and Beach, Par.
This walk is on the west side of Par docks. A walk along the low cliffs towards Carlyon
Directions From St. Blazey.
Take the A3082 through Par. After passing through the light controlled railway
tunnel look out for the Spit Beach car park on the left.
Directions from St. Austell
From the ‘Britannia Inn’ roundabout drive past the Par Market site towards Par.
As you approach Par Docks the road veers to the left behind the docks. The entrance
to the Spit Beach car park is on the right on this bend and before you go through the
light controlled railway tunnel.

November 20th:  Dunmere to Bodmin Gaol and Bodmin

Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Dunmere Camel
Trail car park (via Borough Arms entrance). Refreshments at Bodmin Gaol.

December 4th:  Respryn to Bodmin Road Railway station.

Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Respryn NT car
park (parking fee payable) . Refreshments at station (subject to cafe opening) or
Lanhydrock NT.

December 18th:  Wadebridge Riverside walk

Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Co-op car park
(opposite Wadebridge Cinema, fees apply). A circular walk crossing the ‘Bridge on
Wool’ across the River Camel to Egloshayle, returning through the riverside park to
the ‘Challenge’ suspension bridge and on to the John Betjeman Centre for
refreshments. An opportunity for last minute Christmas shopping in Wadebridge!
Walks in the New Year
Note that Easter Sunday is on 31st March

January 8th:  Par Beach.
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to the P & D car park
at the east end of Par Beach (Polmear) for 10.30am. Refreshments in the Par Beach
cafe (if open).

January 22nd:  Pentewan and the White River
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Pentewan car park
(fees apply). A stroll around the village and beach. Refreshments at Pentewan Tea
rooms (if open) or the pub..

February 5th:  Bugle to Bowling Green
Park in the small trail car park on the Penwithick-Bugle Road. As you approach Bugle
this is on the right hand side just before a small industrial estate. Refreshments a
short drive away in the China Clay Museum at Carthew.

February 19th:  St. Andrews Road Duck Pond and Wetlands Reserve, St Blazey
Park at the Par Racetrack. A short walk back past the railway station to the reserve.
Return to Par Racetrack Cafe for refreshments.

March 4th:  East Looe town and beach
Meet on the bridge linking East and West Looe. Park in East Looe car park, or West
Looe Car park if full.
There is the option of taking the train from Liskeard to Looe to add extra interest.

UPDATE 1/9/23

Our first 'stroll' of the new season is on Monday 11 September along part of the Camel Trail

Watch this space for details of new programme

Contact John or Veronica for details


June 2023

Very happy coffee and teacakes at Par Beach cafe .


May 2023

A grand day out in Looe!
Some of us enjoyed the train journey from Lostwithiel to Looe.

Strollers Group at Looe

February 2023

Short, sunny walk at the Beacon in Bodmin this morning. Stunning views.
Followed by our usual refreshment and chat break.




January 2023

Here are a few pics from our fun 'stroll' this morning along the riverside here in Lostwithiel.
We spotted a cormorant and some of us 'big kids' donned our wellies and paddled in the puddles!  Fun, friendship and fresh air.



Update 9 February 2023

Our walk at St Andrews Wetlands has been cancelled due to road closures and possible Avian Flu at the Duck Pond

u3a Strollers’ Walks, 2023

Proposed Walk  List

3. February 13th (n.b. School Half-term) St.Andrews Road Duck Pond and Wetlands Reserve
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to the venue. Suggest alternative parking at the Par Race track as parking is limited at the reserve, and we would be returning to the track cafe for refreshments after the stroll anyway

4. February 27th
Bodmin Beacon Park and Nature Reserve. 

Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Bodmin Beacon car park. Bring your own refreshments. Good views but very little shelter so keep a weather eye.

March 13th 5. Bugle to Bowling Green
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Bugle.

Park in the small trail car park on the Penwithick-Bugle Road. As you approach Bugle from Penwithick this is marked by a large boulder on the right hand side just before a small industrial estate. Return to the Bugle Inn for refreshments.

March 27th 6. Respryn
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Respryn NT car park (parking fee payable) .

Choice of two walks:

Respryn to Bodmin Road Railway station.

Refreshments at station (subject to cafe opening). or

Respryn towards Restormel Manor
A circular walk alongside the river Fowey and returning on a NT track. Refreshments at Lanhydrock visitor centre a short drive away.

April 10th (Easter Monday)

No walk proposed unless there is a demand from the Strollers group.

7. April 24th Minions Moor (choice of routes) or Golitha Falls
A walk on the Cheeswring plateau from the village of Minions. Park at the Hurlers’ Stone Circle Car park just before entering Minions village.

Golitha Falls is at Redgate on the way to Minions (approx. 3 miles). The falls are on the Fowey River and worth a look. This is a shorter sheltered woodland walk and may be a fall-back if the weather turns out to be unsuitable at Minions.

May 8th (Bank Holiday)

No walk proposed unless there is a demand from the Strollers group.

8. May 22nd East Looe town and beach
Meet at 10.30am on the bridge linking East and West Looe. Park in East Looe car park, or West Looe Car park if full.

There is an option of taking the train to Liskeard station and taking the train from Liskeard to Looe to add extra interest. Timetables would need investigating!

9. June 5th Dunmere to Nanstallon Tea Orchard
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Dunmere Camel Trail car park (via Borough Arms entrance).

10. June 19th Par Beach circular walk
Meet at Lostwithiel Community Centre at 10am for car sharing to Polmear car park. Car parking fees apply. Refreshments at beach 



Lostwithiel u3a StrollersPicture from a stroll along Camel Trail on 28th March 2022




Report on the Anneka Rice walk - 29th Nov

The Anneka Rice walk took place on a cool, but dry, day around Wadebridge. It was a flat circular circuit, starting initially in the town then across the 12 arches of the Bridge of Wool. We turned towards Egloshayle passing a number of recreational facilities before going into the park for a riverside stroll back to Wadebridge. 

We crossed the Anneka Rice Challenge Bridge into the riverside park. The bridge is an amazing structure built for the TV series. Our stroll was concluded in the Betjeman Centre for light refreshments and drinks. This Centre is a base for the Wadebridge u3a and is very hospitable with friendly staff to cater for your needs.

The next stroll is on January 31st around Respryn.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Strollers Programme 2020

Friday 31st January 2020 - Respryn to Bodmin Road Station

Friday 28th February 2020 - White River to Pentewan

Friday 27th March 2020 - Cardinham Woods

Friday 24th April 2020 - Camel Trail to Shooting Range Platform

Friday 29th May 2020 - Beacon Park

Friday 26th June 2020 - Dunmere to Highside Cafe

Friday 31st July 2020 - Borough Arms (Dunmere) to Poley’s Bridge

Friday 28th August 2020 - Borough Arms to Bodmin Jail

Friday 25th September 2020 - Bishop’s Wood to Hustyn Bridge

Friday 30th October 2020 - Fowey River Walk

Friday 27th November 2020 - Grogley Halt

December 2020 Merry Christmas!

Meet at 10am outside Lostwithiel Community Centre.