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Our 9 walkers on 9th July 2024 were taken on a trip down memory lane.  Led by Nick Warrick, we walked around Lower Trenode Farm where he grew up and we were treated to insights of his rather idyllic childhood.  The weather had been wet for several days, but the rain held off and we stayed dry for the whole walk.

Starting at Castle Motors, we walked along the pretty Seaton River, avoiding the many puddles left by the recent rain.  Someone suggested that maybe next time we should do the walk in the summer!  Then came the mighty hill that everyone had been warned about.  With stout hearts and sturdy sticks, we carefully climbed the very steep and rough track up through Colvase Woods.  Slowly and steadily, with a welcome breather on the way, the hill gradually melted away and, before we knew it, we were up at the top.  A short stroll along a typical Cornish lane took us to Widegates where we stopped for crib.
Our trip back to the 1960s started here, with Nick pointing out the shops, post office, chapel and garage used by his family, all now gone or converted.  After a gentle climb, we reached a wonderful viewpoint overlooking much of south east Cornwall, or at least would have done had it not been heavily overcast with cloud obscuring the hills of Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor.
Taking the path down into Trenode School, we were greeted by a member of staff.  Although now bigger than when Nick went there, the school still retains it early charm and Nick recounted a number of anecdotes which helped bring his childhood to life.  We then followed his daily route to school to arrive at the farm where he grew up.  Although the farmstead has now been largely converted into dwellings, Nick took us around the buildings and recounted how the farm worked when he was young.
Following the cobbled track up the hill, we walked the length of the farm with Nick showcasing the gate which his father would lean on to enjoy the view after a heavy day’s harvesting.  We completed our excursion with a walk down a lovely track to the neighbouring farm at Trebrownbridge which used to be a scrap yard with old cars providing a wonderful playground for imaginative children.
A big thank you to Nick for taking us on this interesting 5 mile walk through his childhood.





On a bright sunny day 15 of us started off on this walk just past the church, a church which dates from the Middle Ages and claims to be the highest in the county. At least five of us had done this walk previously but nobody could remember when! and one of our present group had done it 20 years ago-so the fact we had not done a recce was not important. No one could remember any stiles or any major ups and downs.

We started with a steep descent into the valley, most of it being under the cover of trees so keeping the heat down but as we all know what goes down must eventually come back up! We now reached Lamphill woods and walk along flat land and the first of many difficult stone stiles with help needed at some and care needed at most to ensure no broken limbs. On the way we pass part of Coombe Mill Farm which is a family friendly holiday farm with many animals wandering the paddocks. Onwards past more stiles and bridges across the River Camel and then the walk started uphill through fields and more gates/stiles and seemingly more fields and gates until we reached the main road into St Breward and the start of more lanes and paths uphill, eventually passing the school and the glorious site of the Old Inn where we could rest for a bite to eat.

Although we had only walked about 3.5 miles (3.1 according to the walk guide) I think most of us thought the walk to have been strenuous but well worth the effort.

Caption:  we are not lost - we just do not know exactly where we are!




This was a repeat of a walk we did almost exactly two years ago on this scenic route which was once the centre of Victorian copper mining.  It's a fascinating mix of ruined engine houses and spoil tips and gives amazing views across the surrounding landscape.

Walking Group on Caradon Hill

Twelve members of the group turned out today, on a dry but blustery day on the dramatic moors,  





On a day when some rain was expected 15 of us all decided that we should
travel to Newquay to see what it was like. The main line train was running late
but luckily the Newquay train was delayed to allow us to catch it albeit some
10 minutes late. On arrival we all gathered and were given instructions before
crossing the main road to head off down the old tramway track and through
the open grassed area known as the Killacourt and up passed West End Bowls
Club and down again to the picturesque harbour. Luckily for us the tide had
just gone out and we were able, with a helping hand for many at the far side,
cross the harbour to the steps and up again on the road that runs up to the
Huer’s Hut where there is an interesting information plaque and wide ranging
views of Newquay Bay. At this point we had our own drinks and posed for a
photograph as we had done about 6 years earlier on a previous walk.
With the rain now falling and being blown in from the sea by a brisk wind it
was not a pleasant walk down to the old lifeboat station before we turned left
infront of the imposing brick Headland Hotel and a toilet stop on Fistral Beach.
From here we decided to walk on the footpath sheltered by a hedge with the
golf course to our left to the end of Fistral and instead of walking to Pentire
Point we headed into town for an early lunch. With it being half term holidays
most of the eating establishments and the roads were packed so we all split up
to get what we wanted-some had Fish and Chips others used a café but all met
back at the station at 3.00pm for a journey back home to Lostwithiel Station
glad that we had decided to go on the walk despite the not great weather


Report of circular Woodland walk from Cardinham 4-5 miles 14 May 2024.


Fourteen intrepid walkers set off from Cardinham Parish Hall in spite of rather dire weather
forecasts for rain and winds! We were able to use the Hall car park – more spacious than I
remembered - having hired the Hall in advance at a very reasonable rate, to avoid causing
parking problems in the village. We followed well maintained footpaths through country
lanes, fields, and woodlands, seeing en route lovely wild flowers, stunning newly green
trees, and hearing birdsong and streams gushing with fast flowing water, as well as the
chatter of our group members.

Mid-way was a welcome coffee and cake stop at Woods Cafe, always a treat. We then
resumed our walk, returning to Cardinham village via quiet country lanes and footpaths.
The weather was kind to us, and the walk relatively easy, so we enjoyed ourselves and were
glad we had braved the gloomy weather forecasts.


Report on our 7 miles walk from Cremyll to Torpoint

Seven members the group, encouraged by the sunny and dry weather and not deterred by the high winds,  made their way to the car park in Cremyll to undertake a shortened version of the first leg of the Tamara Way which our walk leader has been walking.  The Tamara Coast to Coast Way is a walking route spanning our Southwest Peninsula between its south and north coasts.  It runs closely parallel to the boundary between Devon and Cornwall, which for most of the way follows the course of the River Tamar.  The creation of the Tamara Coast to Coast Way is one of the first projects to be completed as part of the Tamara Landscape Partnership Scheme with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund.  It opened in the second half of 2023 and recently featured in an episode of Countryfile.

Our walk can be split into 4 sections:

1. From Cremyll  through Empacombe to arrive at the road to Anderton

2.  Anderton to Millbrook

3.  Millbrook to St John

4. St John to Torpoint.

You may be forgiven for not having noticed the arrival of our spring flowers, as the weather has not encouraged us to go for many walks.  We spotted many bluebells on this section of the walk - a cheerful sight indeed!

Empacombe is an attractive little spot with its own harbour on the river Tamar.  Notable are the almost castle-like walls and gate on the left after the cottages.  Surprisingly, this substantial wall built in 1788 only encloses the kitchen garden for Mount Edgecumbe House.

In Anderton, we walked past very attractive properties which were built as the village of Millbrook was becoming popular among those with money. We crossed over the dam across Millbrook Lake which was built in 1977 as a flood prevention measure. 

Our first stop was at a picnic table by Millbrook Lake.  The name does not denote a lake in its modern sense of the word but comes from the Old English lacu, meaning a watercourse, including a tidal one.  Millbrook Lake is the first of a number of such lakes encountered on the Tamar Estuary.




Whist in the village of Millbrook, we made time to admire the art work in the bus shelter which consisted of a mural made of ceramics tiles, very cleverly put together. Local people waiting in the bus stop explained that the art work was the result of a project completed by the pupils of the local primary school. 


Now, we could no longer put it off: after an easy start of the walk, we had to tackle two moderate hills and a few stiles on our way to St John.  Historically,  this was referred to as St John in Cornwall (until 1844 part of the St John Parish was in Devon).  St John was once a place of trade with shipping reaching the village via the estuary of St John's Lake.  The St John Inn is only opened at week-ends, so we were able to use the tables on their terrace for our picnic lunch.

On our way to Torpoint, we left the road for a while to walk on a permissive path through Benskin's Wood in order to reach St John's Lake, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, designated particularly for its birdlife.  A more macabre tradition is that prisoners who had died on prison ships moored in the Tamar would be buried in the mudflats.  A headland on the north side is called Deadman's Point. 

We then walked through fields to find the path that takes you next to HMS Raleigh's metal security fence.  HMS Raleigh is the largest Royal Navy establishment in the southwest  and is the only training centre for new recruits to the Royal Navy or the WRNS.  Has we wished to continue walking the first leg of the Tamara Way (as per the  guide book), we would have walked to the Torpoint Ferry, crossed the Tamar before walking to the Tamar Bridge - a 12.5 mile walk!

We only had to wait 30 minutes to catch the number 70 bus back to Cremyll for a 50 minute ride around the Rame Peninsula which was enjoyed by all, especially as we could all sit upstairs in the double decker and enjoy the dramatic cliff top views - a ride described by one member as the "icing on the cake".


Report of walk 6ish mile circular from Penare via Gorran Haven to

Dodman Point on 26th March 2024.

This was the 3rd/4th time we have tried to undertake this walk as on all other occasions the weather has beat us.  We were lucky this time picking one of the few dry days he have had this year.

After leaving Lostwithiel we headed for the National Trust car park at Penare encountering a rather large puddle on the minor road to the car park. With the sun shining on us we headed from the car park back up the road a short distance and took the footpath through Treveague campsite where they were preparing for the new season. From here we took the path down into Gorran Haven for a coffee stop. I think everyone also indulged themselves in cake whilst sitting in the brilliant sunshine.  Thinking about the cake and the calories we thought we had better continue with the walk.

The route took us up some steps to get onto the coastal path which in the main was quite dry. A couple of rest stops were made on the way to Dodman Point to admire the view and to soak up the sun. Along the path the National Trust has both Shetland and Dartmoor ponies grazing.


We stopped for our lunch in the sun at Dodman Point before heading towards Hemmick Beach. From here we followed the track back to Penare car park for the return to Lostwithiel.






                               ALMOST 6 MILES AND APPROXIMATELY 12,000 STEPS


Following one of the wettest Februarys on record, walk leaders Carol and Sue chose a relatively wet and mud free walk along the Camel Trail.  Undaunted by slightly damp and drizzly weather, as you can see in the pictures, 14 stalwart members of our walking group enjoyed an easy unchallenging walk and a nice chat along the way. 

Some wildlife was seen, including  some Canada geese and mallards, a few lesser spotted cyclists and walkers with dogs. 

Most of the group then dipped into various cafes and shops in Wadebridge, before using their bus passes to catch the No 11 back to Borough Arms to collect cars for return to Lostwithiel.

All in all a pleasant way to spend a few hours, with promise of better weather and many more walks to come. 




Report of walk on Tuesday 30th January 2024


They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this photo says it all. 


Taken on Pentewan Beach, under clear blue skies and warm wintry Cornish sunshine, 21 members of our walking group enjoyed an easy stroll along the bank of St Austell River to coffee and scrumptious cake at the Little Bay Cafe.  


We began at Kingswood, through woodland managed by the Woodland Trust.  The trail is part of the National Cycle Network which goes to Mevagissey, and also part of the 180 mile cycle route which runs from Lands End to Bude.  On this day we saw a small number of cyclists and runners and several dog walkers out enjoying the balmy weather. 

The trail is embedded in Cornish China Clay history from its time with horses and carts, through to a railway line built to transport china clay to the once bustling port of Pentewan.  

After our coffee break we strolled down to the beach before making our way gently back to our cars at Kingswood. 



A short report on our first walk of 2024 (9th Jan)

It was on a cold morning that many of us met up in the community centre carpark with the remainder going straight to Coombe Farm carpark the starting point for our walk. Whilst gathering at the centre snow began to fall and after a rearrangement of lifts we set off.

 I’m pleased to say by the time walking boots, coats etc were put on that the snow stopped falling as the walk started.

In total 20 members of the walking group set off mid morning for our circular walk taking us  to Southground point and Polridmouth where one or two of the group thought it would be nice to have a dip in the sea. 


After they recovered from that mad idea we set off uphill along the costal path to Readymoney via Alldays field. The field was named after G James Alldays who presented the field to the people of Fowey in March 1951 and was an English automobile maker from 1898 to 1918 (history lesson over with).

After our bracing walk a morning coffee stop at the kiosk on Readymoney beach was welcomed before our climb back up to top of Alldays field and return to the cars.