Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Since starting the group back in January our group members have come a long way and their progress is very impressive. Our group meetings are usually divided into two parts. The first half is spent practicing our strumming techniques, learning some theory, with new chords being introduced when it is felt right to do so.

We then have a break half way through for a coffee and a chat.

The second half of the meeting will be spent playing songs. We have invested in an app that allows us access to over 1500 songs that we can play along to and even sing along with if we want to. It is a great resource. We have also invested in a projector and screen so everyone can see the song on a large screen. Couple this with an amplifier and you have a feeling that you are playing along with a real band!

Primarily though this is a group of friends coming together for a laugh and a chat and play some guitar, if we learn something that is great but the laughs (usually aimed at me) are just as important.