Lostwithiel Area u3a
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This is the group's monthly meeting at which plans are made for Field Trips and Workshops, and images are shared on a pre-selected theme. It is the main planning and review meeting of the group.


Platform Zoom Meeting 20th June 2024



Platform Zoom Meeting 16th May 2024



Platform Zoom Meeting 18th April 2024


Platform Zoom Meeting 28th March 2024



Platform Zoom Meeting 15th February 2024



Feedback from January Platform meeting

At the January Platform meeting we reviewed our activities for the upcoming year. All members were invited to contribute either in person or via email. 
The following is a summary of those discussions:
Field Trips - a draft calendar for 2024 was agreed. Clearly these are subject to amendment where necessary. The website has been updated with locations and leaders. We will review these two months ahead at the Platform Meetings.
Platform meetings - there were no suggestions to change the format of this monthly meeting. A discussion about timing resulted in the decision to stick with the 2pm slot.
Photo Extra meetings - as above the format and time are to be unchanged. It was agreed that the topic for the meeting will be agreed two months in advance so that members have time to prepare input.
There were no further items raised. During the course of the year all members are encouraged to make further suggestions for topics, locations or activities.


Platform Zoom Meeting 21st December 2023



Platform Zoom Meeting 16th November 2023



Platform Zoom Meeting 19th October 2023


Platform Zoom Meeting 21st September 2023


Platform Zoom Meeting 17th August 2023

PSST Information shared at August Platform Meeting

  • Jane suggested that membership of Cornwall Heritage Trust and the Historic Houses Association might be worth considering for those who enjoy visiting historic houses locally as free entry can be gained by members.
  • Lindsay mentioned an exhibition of the work of Fay Godwin at Kestle Barton, near Helford. "Under a turbulent sky" is an exhibition of prints by Fay Godwin, one of the most respected and significant British photographers of the 20th century.
  • Marion recommended an exhibition at the Royal Cornwall Museum entitled Adrift : Lost at Sea. In 1997, a rogue wave knocked 62 containers from a cargo ship off the coast of Cornwall. Five million pieces of lego were set adrift in the ocean, washing up on beaches across the southwest. Adrift – Lego Lost at Sea is the story of what was lost and what was learned about the ocean, its currents and pollution.


Platform Zoom Meeting 20th July 2023


PSST Information shared at July Platform Meeting
We started a new feature at our last  Platform Meeting in which we hope to share information each month which may give us opportunities to increase our learning and enjoyment of photography
  • Dave B suggested that at Lanhydrock we should seek out the hidden pond  reached by taking a path on the RH side of Carriage Drive just before the lower gatehouse on the way to Respryn.



Platform Zoom Meeting 15th June 2023



Platform Zoom Meeting 18th May 2023


Platform Zoom Meeting 20th April 2023

Images discussed at the April meeting:



Platform Zoom Meeting 16th March 2023

Images discussed at the March meeting:


Platform Zoom Meeting 16th February 2023


Platform Zoom Meeting 19th January 2023